Monday, April 28, 2014


Sunday, February 24, 2013


του απέμεινε μόνο να ταίζει τις μέλισσες, στην κατοικία του έξω απ' την Κόρινθο


κατά βάθος ήξερε

πως δεν θ' αργούσε η μέρα που δεν θα μπορούσε να αρνηθεί να επιστρέψει.

Δεν θα αργούσε η μέρα


λυωμένος χρυσός θα κυλούσε στα μάρμαρα

και η Ιερουσαλήμ θα πνιγόταν στο αίμα

Saturday, February 18, 2012

In the prospect of Spring

"Heaven is right where you are standing and this is the place to train"

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Του παρελθόντος χρόνου

Ανθισμένες οι νεραντζιές ψιθυρίζουν το όνομα σου στο πάρκο απέναντι απ το πολεμικό Μουσείο.

Δύο κύνες θηρευτικοί περιδινίζονται παίζοντας, η κίνηση, αναμνήσεις δύο σωμάτων ανασύρονται από καλοκαίρια στη Σαντορίνη των μετεφηβικών μου χρόνων.

Όμως, τώρα, μου αρκεί αυτό - η μυρωδιά των νυχτερινών νερατζιών και η ανάμνηση απ τα χείλη σου, ανθισμένα κεράσια του Κυότο.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Αγάπησε το Καθήκον και άλλαξε τον Κόσμο.

(via Agis - my dad)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Withdrawal from mathematics

As of the spring of 2003, Perelman no longer worked at the Steklov Institute. His friends are said to have stated that he currently finds mathematics a painful topic to discuss; some even say that he has abandoned mathematics entirely. According to a 2006 interview, Perelman is currently jobless, living with his mother in Saint Petersburg.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Μηδείς αγεωμέτρητος εισίτω μοι την θύραν

The British philosopher and logician Bertrand Russell once wrote: "Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty -- a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture."

Russell may well have had Euler's Relation in mind when writing these words.

One of the great wonders of mathematical world, Euler’s relation is like the Grand Canyon, Mount Everest and Niagara Falls rolled into one--what you see depends on how you look at it.

You’re probably familiar with the famous optical illusion of a painting of an old crone which suddenly changes into a beautiful young woman as your mental perspective changes. Both images are contained within the picture—they are different aspects of the same pattern of lines on a page. All you have to do is alter your internal viewpoint to see the difference.

Euler’s relation is a bit like this famous optical illusion but on a vastly grander scale. Imagine walking across a featureless landscape and stumbling across the raw natural beauty of Mount Everest. You’d have good reason to be pleased with your discovery but as you continue your journey you reach the breathtaking expanse of the Grand Canyon. And beyond that the thundering majesty of Niagara Falls.

The equivalent of Euler’s relation is a final vantage point that shows how all these entirely different wonders of the mathematical world are actually the same. The new perspective simply gives you the insight that connects them together.

Euler’s relation links five of the most fundamental concepts in mathematics in a simple and elegant formula. It says that when viewed in a particular way, the concepts of one and zero are the same as the concepts of the exponential power, e, the imaginary number, i, and the irrational number p.

And yet Euler’s relation is even more powerful. The equation in this work is actually a special case of a broader relation that links two entirely different branches of mathematics--geometry, the study of space, with algebra, the study of structure and quantity. Perhaps that's why the physicist and Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman called it the most remarkable formula in mathematics